Leadership Academy Course
Donated By Colbert Seto
In December of 2024, Colbert Seto, retired CIO of Hawaii Dental Service, created and donated the course material for the CIO Council of Hawaii’s Leadership Academy. Colbert also donated his time as the inaugural instructor and coordinator. The Leadership Academy is a 2-year program offered to organizations with CIO Council of Hawaii members. Participants in the program are instructed in Effective Storytelling Presentations, How to build a great team, How to lead a successful team, and how to apply this in an IT world.
Leadership Academy Facilities
Donated By eWorld Enterprise Solutions
In January of 2025, began donating meeting space at no charge to the CIO Council of Hawaii as a meeting place for the Leadership Academy sessions. Additionally, eWorld ES donated the use of the AV Equipment and their Guest Wireless. Finally, eWorld ES included use of the kitchen and restrooms during the Leadership Academy classes.
CIOCOH Website, Branding Development, and Hosting
Donated By Ulu HI-Tech
In July of 2022, provided a professional team to work with the CIO Council of Hawaii to re-brand, obtain DNS names, and build a quality web site using WordPress technology. Additionally, UHT, obtained and setup the non-profit Microsoft O365 environment (Intranet) for the board members and other volunteers.